So Tonight Sage went to take a shower and about 15 minutes into it, I heard a scream for me. I ran in to see what was wrong and he just kept screaming "There's two black guys in the shower"! Imagine my shock! He was stuttering and could barely speak! But that's what I heard two black guys in the shower. In fact what He said was there are two black eyes in the shower (drain). This doesn't sound much better to me. He thought he saw a rat in the shower drain, in fact it was just bubbles and hair!!!! He scared the crap out of me! I had to blog this because I didn't want to forget. BOYS!!!!
black guys in the shower would scare me too. ( :
Oh my gosh, it's funny now but at the time I bet you were freaked out!
Yes Rachel I was really freaked out!!!!
I love this!!! So hilarious. ;o)
Candi, this post CRACKED ME UP!
I hate it when I find black guys in my shower...unless I give them permission first. I'm not sure why I would give random men permission to use my shower though...
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