I'm Candi! I'm a stay at home reformed Christian Mom to 4 kids and a wife to a husband of 11 years. We homeschool 3 out of our 4 children and love every minute of it.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

2010-2011 homeschool picks

  • I really like this Company for an additional reading program.
  • We are using this Company for math again. Immagin is really doing good in math she is one year ahead right now, so they are both doing math 5.
  • We are going to start a foreign language with them this year, but can't decide which one yet, but will use this.
  • We may use this for Bible, History and Science. But I really like this for Science so we are still researching these areas for this year.
  • For Language we are going to use the same program we used last school year.
  • We are going to add a cursive handwriting program, typing and a spelling program in addition to language. Just haven't made up our minds on which one yet.
  • And for Saylor she starts K this year we started doing this with saylor and she is doing great with it. She is already reading. I would recommend this to anyone!
  • They are possibly going to do Veritas this year. It's a program where they go to school one day out of the week.
I think that's it. I can't wait for the new school year. God is so good!