First you have to make almond milk, you do this by taking whole organic almonds and soaking them over night in water, the next day rinse them well. Then put them in a blender with a little water, you can put as much or as little as you like. The more you put the thinner it will be, the less you put it will be creamier etc. Blend then push through a fine mesh strainer or a nut bag. Then to make the flour you put your pulp in the dehydrator. Let it dehydrate until dry, it will look clumpy. After dry, put in a coffee grinder and grind. And its done! You can use it in replace of flour. Way better for you.

I've got an award for you on my blog!
Funny thing! I visited your site and saw your background came from Aqua Poppy designs. I've been looking for a new fall background, so I checked out those. LOVE the site. Found a background I liked, spent an hour doing a new header, etc. Then came back here to comment and saw that I'd picked out the same one that you had in the first place! That cracked me up. We must have the same taste!
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