So where do I start? He did so many dangerous things today! First it started off, I was cleaning my daughter's room and we were using the hose part to get along the wall. Well, Turtle wanted to try-- so he did. Keep in mind he was going bare-bottom at this point. He had just gotten out of the bath. I hear a scream and turn around and he had vacuumed his boy parts! And he was not liking it! LOL
Then he found some chap stick (organic) and took a bite of it and swallowed before I could get it out of his mouth. THEN, about an hour later he ate some hand soap-- just a tiny bit though. But seriously, he is a wild child! My other kids were not this nuts, I wonder what God will have in store for his future? Ahhh. Never a dull day here!
Oh look, a real post now. Hahah, that is so funny! I love turtle boy! (one day he's going to be a full grown man and people will still be calling him turtle. I can hear his screams now, "STELLAR! MY NAME IS STELLAR!"
Oh Turtle, he is a crazy boy!
Wow look at you! I am so doing this "linky" thing too ; )
Ok...we need to have a convo about this blog thing you got going on lol! Now tell me how you added your labels...
He is a cute little man...sounds like an average toddler!
my son is just like this...though he's never sucked his boy bits up in a vaccuum, but trouble just seems to find him.
He's creating some fabulous stories that you can tell his kids one day :)
what a cute picture
I stumbled across your blog and wanted to say hi.
Take a minute an check my blog out if you haven't already.
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Thanks :)
He does take an angelic picture though!! Gives you some things to laugh about later! Best wishes!!
So cute! :)
Hahaha... so darling! I know as his mommy he keeps you on your toes. Thanks for sharing his hi-jinks. I'm sure he gets these tendencies from Jeff. ;o)
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