I'm Candi! I'm a stay at home reformed Christian Mom to 4 kids and a wife to a husband of 11 years. We homeschool 3 out of our 4 children and love every minute of it.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Check out this lady's blog! Great Organic Menu's

This is how I feel each morning at breakfast. The SAME routine. I am constantly struggling with meal ideas, but today I found this blog and She has some really great idea's! One thing I really struggle with is breakfast and lunch idea's. Ask my husband I hate cooking or making breakfast! But one of the things on her menu is hard boiled eggs for breakfast. I think that's a great idea! Just cook a bunch up and stick them in a container in the fridge. And there ya go instant breakfast!
What are some of your favorite meals? Breakfast, lunch or dinner.


Paige Baker said...

Oh my goodness, I LOVE the new layout! I LOVE IT!!

Rachel said...

Oooo! Only took a quick look at the link and I like it! :) Saving it right now. I also love the new layout!