I'm Candi! I'm a stay at home reformed Christian Mom to 4 kids and a wife to a husband of 11 years. We homeschool 3 out of our 4 children and love every minute of it.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Organic or not? Does it really matter?

We try to buy Organic if possible, but sometimes it's just too expensive. We are a family of 6. It's just hard to do all Organic. Any tips would be greatly appreciated on how to cut costs. OK so here is where my thinking has been over the last year. For some reason I thought that it really didn't matter if my produce was organic or not, as long as I wash off the pesticides why does it matter? Well my mind has been changed this week. I will NOT buy conventional produce again, because of this article. Please take the time to read this I am sure there are many more out there but for some reason this caught my eye.


Crisc said...

I open this thinking you were gonna give me the answer..lol Hopefully someone can answer it for us. My aunt just mailed me a book but I havent got a chance to pick it up

Michelle said...

THat's frightening! Thank you for sharing that article. I'm going to post it to my facebook for all to see.

Rachel said...

My advice: go mostly vegetarian. Buy organic beans/rice/etc from the bulk bins at whole foods. Pesticides are only part of the problem with conventional produce..there's genetic modification, factory farms, etc, etc. (I haven't read the article but I will)

Anonymous said...

Yikes! But now what do we all do??? Anyway, Hi Candi! Thanks for stopping by my blog and following me. I'm following you now too. Smile.

There has to be an answer for us somewhere and I'll be posting back here when I find out...let me go google. I'm so glad we're following each other.


Kate said...

I caught something once that produce is THE most important thing to buy organic. Followed by dairy & meat. The more processed the food is the less benefit you'll receive from the organic label. Also, there is a "dirty dozen" of fruits/veggies that absorb more pesticides than some others. So, I try to always buy organic from that list if I have to cut corners elsewhere.

Unknown said...

Following you via Welcome Wednesday. Pls follow me back when you get the chance.

amanda persinger said...

Candi...you might want to think about trying to grow your own. I don't know if it would necessarily be cheeper but it would save time on driving(gas), and it would be something fun to do as a family. Good learning experience ; )
We are "slowly" going organic. I started with eggs and milk...and would love to build some raised beds to start my own garden!
check this out if you haven't already.

MaggieK said...

following you back...thanks for stopping by

furygirl3132 said...

Hello! I am a new follower from Welcome Wednesday, so glad to have found your blog. Hope you have a wonderful Memorial Day weekend coming up.


Little Bishops said...

Stopping by from Welcome Wednesday. New follower.


Jennifer K said...

Thanks for following me! This is definitely food for thought!