I'm Candi! I'm a stay at home reformed Christian Mom to 4 kids and a wife to a husband of 11 years. We homeschool 3 out of our 4 children and love every minute of it.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Homemade Kombucha!

Jeff started making this about 6 months ago after spending a ridiculous amount on it each week. It's about 4 bucks a bottle. But totally worth it. It has amazing health benefits. We have so far given away two babies.

If anyone wants one let us know. We will give you one. They are about 40 bucks online!

One more link on the health benefits.


Unknown said...

Yea! You make kombucha!!! So do we! My next endeavor that is fermenting right now is called kefir soda! I'm so excited for this nifty beverage!

A GAL NEEDS... said...

Wow! Another Kombusha user! I am glad I found you and am following you back from Friday Follow!